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03/30 – Bringing Joy and Spirit to the Work of Liberation, for LGBTQ Jewish Youth of Color

March 30, 2021

8:00 pm Eastern/5:00 pm Pacific

Price: -

RSVP: Keshet

Join Rabbinic Intern Koach Baruch Frazier for a discussion on how we can organize, build community and practice self-care from a place of joy and connection. Koach will share his wisdom and facilitate conversation so that we all get to learn from one another.

This program is open to all LGBTQ Jewish Youth of Color, ages 13-18.


Ammud: The Jews of Color Torah Academy, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice, Edot Midwest Regional Jewish Diversity Collaborative, Jewish Multiracial Network, Jews in ALL Hues, Jews of Color Initiative, Joyous Justice, JYCA – Jewish Youth for Community Action, Mitsui Collective, BBYO, Eshel, Habonim Dror, jGirls, Jewish Youth Climate Movement, JOFA (Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance), JPride, JQ International, JQY, Camp Havaya, Moving Traditions, NFTY, SOJOURN, Shulayim L’Shalom, USY and Young Judaea.